Kareena Kapoor Khan, known for being the biggest cheerleader of her sons Taimur and Jeh, recently shared some adorable pictures from their ongoing vacation in Switzerland. On Sunday, the actress posted images of Taimur, looking all set for the snow-covered adventures in his skiwear. Kareena’s caption, “Mera beta ❤️” (My son ❤️), reflected her overflowing motherly love.
In another post, Kareena humorously wrote, “Don’t ask me if I ski, take my son’s pictures, someone needs to.”
Where would you spend your dream holiday?
The actress also gave fans a sneak peek into her Christmas celebrations abroad with Saif Ali Khan and their kids. The family of four was seen unboxing gifts together, with a particularly heartwarming moment featuring Taimur’s priceless reaction when his father gifted him a brand-new guitar. Kareena also shared a cozy image of herself and Saif sitting by the Christmas tree in their pyjamas, gazing lovingly at each other. “Sorry was too busy enjoying my day. Love and happiness. People keep searching for magic,” she captioned the post.
Earlier in September, during a press interaction, Kareena spoke candidly about her children’s understanding of fame. When asked if Taimur knew about the film festival named after her, she shared a cute anecdote. “Right now they are too young to know these things. He has an idea because of the paparazzi chasing him,” she said. “I told him, ‘You are not famous, I am famous. You are nobody, you haven’t done anything.’ He replied, ‘Maybe one day I will.’ Right now, it’s all about football for him.”
Kareena and Saif, who tied the knot in 2016, first worked together in LOC Kargil (2003) and Omkara (2006). However, their love story began on the sets of Tashan in 2008.