Varun Dhawan‘s action film Baby John has managed to cross the Rs 20 crore mark at the domestic box office despite a challenging start. However, its performance remains underwhelming amidst stiff competition and reports of cancelled screenings.
After a dip in collections to Rs 3.65 crore on Friday, the film saw a slight improvement on its first Saturday, earning an estimated Rs 4.25 crore, according to early data from This brings the total net collection to approximately Rs 23.90 crore over its four-day run. The film recorded an overall 14.64% occupancy for its Hindi shows across the country.
Directed by Kalees, Baby John has been struggling against two major releases—Pushpa 2, the Hindi-dubbed sequel starring Allu Arjun, and the Hollywood animated film Mufasa: The Lion King, also released in Hindi. While Baby John has yet to cross the Rs 5 crore daily mark, Pushpa 2 continues its domination, surpassing the Rs 1,500 crore milestone worldwide. Meanwhile, Mufasa has crossed Rs 100 crore domestically, becoming the third Hollywood film of 2024 to achieve this feat.Adding to its woes, reports surfaced on Saturday that several shows of Baby John were cancelled and replaced by the Hindi version of Unni Mukundan’s Marco. The Malayalam action-thriller, released on December 20, has been receiving positive reviews despite its violent content.
Marco, directed by Haneef Adeni, has seen strong box office performance, earning Rs 29.9 crore net in India and Rs 57 crore worldwide. Its success led Unni Mukundan to announce on X (formerly Twitter) that over 140 additional Hindi shows had been added. The film is set to release in Telugu on January 1, further boosting its earnings.