Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal were seen at the Mumbai airport on Saturday morning with their daughter Lara. While Varun stood by the check-in counter and Natasha held Lara, paparazzi took pictures nearby.
After a video showed Lara’s face, fans quickly criticised the paparazzi for invading their privacy and sharing the photo without permission.
Check out their photos here:
When little Lara turned her face, a paparazzo caught it on video and shared it on Instagram. Fans of Varun Dhawan, who has kept his daughter’s face private, were upset. One angry fan commented, “Delete this! Varun is always kind to you, and you can’t respect his privacy? If he wanted to reveal her face, he would have done it himself. Have some shame and delete.” Another comment read, “Please don’t post this without they permission (sic).
In June, Varun Dhawan announced the arrival of his baby girl on Instagram, saying, “Our baby girl is here, Thank you for all the good wishes for the mama and the baby.” He shared a photo on Father’s Day, giving a partial glimpse of his daughter, but has not yet revealed her face publicly.
Varun Dhawan’s latest film, Baby John, released on Christmas, received mixed reviews. A remake of Theri, it also stars Wamiqa Gabbi, Keerthy Suresh, and Sanya Malhotra. Next, Varun will appear in Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari and soon begin shooting for his father David Dhawan‘s upcoming film.